package gorules
import ""
// Suppose that we want to report the duplicated left and right operands of binary operations.
// But if the operand has some side effects, this rule can cause false positives:
// `f() && f()` can make sense (although it's not the best piece of code).
// This is where *filters* come to the rescue.
func dupSubExpr(m dsl.Matcher) {
// All filters are written as a Where() argument.
// In our case, we need to assert that $x is "pure".
// It can be achieved by checking the m["x"] member Pure field.
m.Match(`$x || $x`,
`$x && $x`,
`$x | $x`,
`$x & $x`).
Report(`suspicious identical LHS and RHS`)
package main
func main() {
var cond bool
var obj struct {
conditions []bool
if cond && cond {
if obj.conditions[2] && obj.conditions[2] {
if f() && f() { // $x is not pure
func f() bool { return false }
argument is just a normal Go boolean expression&&
can be used (e.g. m["x"].Pure && m["y"].Const
can be used (e.g. !m["x"].Const
(if any) will not be checked