package gorules
import ""
func boolLiteralInExpr(m dsl.Matcher) {
// The following rule includes 4 patterns: 2 for each operator and bool value.
// Every pattern in this list is called "an alternative".
// Alternatives are tried out one by one, until we have a match.
m.Match(`$x == true`,
`$x != true`,
`$x == false`,
`$x != false`).
Report(`omit bool literal in expression`)
package main
func main() {
var cond bool
var boolVar bool
println(cond == true)
println(cond == false)
println(cond != true)
println(cond != false)
// No warnings for these:
println(cond == boolVar)
println(cond == boolVar)
println(cond != boolVar)
println(cond != boolVar)