package gorules
import ""
// The binary.Write function from the "encoding/binary" package
// does a simple Write call if the data argument is []byte.
// In that case we may want to suggest calling the Write method
// directly, without extra binary.Write overhead.
// But what if the data is not exactly []byte, but some named
// type that is defined like this: `type myBytes []byte`.
// It's still bytes, right?
func binaryWrite(m dsl.Matcher) {
// When we consider myBytes type we need to remember that
// it's *underlying* type is []byte. The underlying type
// of []byte is []byte.
// This leads us to the Underlying() method of the ExprType.
m.Match(`binary.Write($w, $_, $v)`).
Report(`consider doing $w.Write($v) instead`)
package main
import (
// myByteSlice underlying type is []byte
type myByteSlice []byte
// myByteSlice2 underlying type is still []byte.
type myByteSlice2 myByteSlice
func main() {
var b []byte
var customBytes myByteSlice
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, b)
// These 2 lines will not give any warnings if we don't use Underlying().
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, customBytes)
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, myByteSlice2("123"))
binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, 14) // OK: not []byte